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Woodinville High School

Our PTSA supports additional educational and social/emotional opportunities for WHS students.
Faculty/staff may apply individually or as group towards special programs, equipment or resources.


Grant requests are reviewed and approved at PTSA monthly meetings throughout the school year. The PTSA committee considers:

  • Educational value

  • Number of students benefiting

  • How this grant will enhance or support existing curricula 

  • Cost 

  • PTSA budget remaining


Note: Routine supplies are typically not approved, although please ask as we know budgets are extremely tight.


Questions? Email our PTSA Grants Coordinator at  

2024-2025 WHS Grant Awards 

$400 WHS Freshman Tailgate to first home game


$1000 for "App(lication)s and Snacks" support seniors during college applications​​​


$200 for healthroom supplies 


$500 suport leadership conference Women of Inflence Club


​$500 for food/drinks to support Night of the Arts

$TBD Refilliable Water Bottle/Water Fountains installed on 2nd and 3rd floors


$TBD Art Dept DSLR photography equipment


$745 Math Dept white board markers for new hands on "thinking classroom" curricula


$TBD Smart music subscription for 200 students & 3 teachers


$TBD pumpkin patch tickets for FSA students​

$450 Speech Pathology “Everyday Speech” subscription


2023-2024 WHS Grant Awards 

WHS Food bank - $2000 stocking food and supplies for the new WHS food bank


Science Dept - $871 for supplies for Physics Olympics competitions


Architecture Kits - $1430 for house-framing kits for engineering class students


Counseling Dept - $650 for "App(lication)s and Snacks" support seniors during college applications


FSA Students - $630 for pumpkin patch tickets for the FSA students


Ceramics - $1150 for Roku pottery firing experience for ceramics students


Ping Pong Club - $1100 for equipment and entry fees to tournament in Tacoma, WA  


Library - $500 for books and subscriptions to add to our collection


OT/PT department - $300 for cooking supplies supporting learning for mid-level FSA students


Marine biology students - $385 for canvas, paint, brushes to create art related to area of study 


Art department - $1425 for to replace the worn kiln shelves with high quality durable shelves. 


Women of Inflence Club - $500 women of influence club to suport their leadership conference


Night of the Arts - $500 for food/drinks to support this event celebrating art at WHS



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